This week, you'll listen to three videos that show three singers singing in very different ways (the three videos above).
Write four sentences about each style that you see (you should have a paragraph for each piece, with four sentences in each paragraph):
- One sentence that describes the timbre - 20 pts.
- One sentence that describes the style of the piece - 20 pts.
- One sentence that describes something unique about the singer or the song - 20 pts.
- One sentence that tells what you appreciate about the video - 20 pts.
- Good grammar and spelling, and you refer to each piece by the vocalists' names or the song titles - 20 pts.
Please comment by Monday, November 29 to receive full credit.
-Mr. Ward
Here are the URL's, if the videos to the right are not working correctly:
Kongar-ol Ondar (Tuvan Throat Singing):
Franzl Lang - Einen Jodler hor i gern:
Bobby McFerrin - Drive: