Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Extra Credit Blog: Vocal Styles

Hello Music Appreciators!

This week, you'll listen to the three videos above that show three singers singing in very different ways. This is extra credit - you can actually earn up to 100 points extra credit - an entire assignment!

Write four sentences about each style that you see (you should have a paragraph for each piece, with four sentences in each paragraph):

- One sentence that describes the timbre - 20 pts.

- One sentence that describes the style of the piece - 20 pts.

- One sentence that describes something unique about the singer or the song - 20 pts.

- One sentence that tells what you appreciate about the video - 20 pts.

- Good grammar and spelling, and you refer to each piece by the vocalists' names or the song titles - 20 pts.

Please comment by Monday, October 17 to receive extra credit.

-Mr. Ward

Here are the URL's, if the videos to the right are not working correctly:

Kongar-ol Ondar (Tuvan Throat Singing):

Franzl Lang - Einen Jodler hor i gern:

Bobby McFerrin - Drive:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

String Instruments

Hello class,
This week, you will listen to four videos to the right. As you listen, you should think about how the timbre (the tone color) and pitch (highness/lowness) of the instruments are different. Also, you need to think about the style of music that you are hearing.

Here are some good timbre words:
light or heavy; dark or bright; breathy; punchy; clear; focussed or unfocussed; piercing; harsh; warm; mellow; resonant; flat; vibrato (do you hear it vibrating?) or no vibrato

Write 8 sentences: One sentence about each instrument that describes how it is uniquely different than the other three, and another sentence that describes the style of music that the instrument is playing.

20 pts - Students commented correctly using the blog, and included their name.
20 pts - Students comment on pitch of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the timbre of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the style of the music that each instrument is playing.
20 pts - Students used correct grammar and spelling.

Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Monday, October 3 for full credit.

In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
String Bass:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Woodwind Instruments Blog

Hello class,

This week, you will be listen to FOUR videos to the right. As you listen, you should think about how the timbre (the tone color) and pitch (highness/lowness) of the instruments are different. Which one creates the highest sounds? Which one creates the lowest sounds?

Here are some good timbre words: light or heavy; dark or bright; breathy; punchy; clear; focussed or unfocussed; piercing; harsh; warm; mellow; resonant; flat; vibrato (do you hear it vibrating?) or no vibrato

For each instrument, write two sentences: One sentence about each instrument that describes the pitch and timbre. A second sentence should describe the style (classical, folk, popular) of the music in the video as best as you can. You should have a total of 8 sentences.

20 pts - Students commented correctly using the blog, and included their name.
20 pts - Students comment on pitch of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the timbre of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly describe the style of the music being played by each instrument.
20 pts - Students used correct grammar and spelling.

Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Monday, September 19 for full credit.

In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:


Have a great day!

-Mr. Ward

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brass Blog

Hello again,

This week, you will listen to the FOUR videos above. As you listen, you should think about how the timbre (the tone quality) and pitch (highness/lowness) of the instruments are different. How are these instruments different from each other?

Here are some good timbre words to use:
light or heavy; dark or bright; breathy; punchy; clear; focussed or unfocussed; piercing; harsh; warm; mellow; resonant; flat; vibrato or without vibrato (do you hear the vibrations?)

Write four sentences: One sentence about each instrument that describes how it is uniquely different from the other three.

20 pts - Students commented correctly using the blog, and included their name.
20 pts - Students comment on pitch of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the timbre of different instruments.
20 pts - Each instrument is described to show how it is unique.
20 pts - Students used correct grammar and spelling.

Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Monday, September 12 for full credit.

In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
French Horn:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Non-Traditional Rhythm Instruments

Hello class,

This week, you will watch just two videos you see to the right - a "Stomp" video, and a video of the Blue Man Group.

As you listen, think about the rhythms that you hear and see. Use at least 5 of the words you see here. When you use them, make sure you show that you understand what the words mean.
Write 2 paragraphs (at least three sentences in each) - one about Stomp, and one about the Blue Man Group.

Make sure to comment on this blog by Tuesday, September 6 in order to receive full credit.

20 pts. You wrote a comment!
20 pts. You used correct grammar, punctuation, capital letters, etc.
20 pts. paragraph one about Stomp (at least 3 sentences)
20 pts. paragraph two about the Blue Man Group (at least 3 sentences)
20 pts. 5 of the above words were used correctly

If you cannot see the videos, here are the URL's
Blue Man Group:

Friday, August 12, 2011

MLK Blog

Hello Music Appreciators!

This blog will be used to communicate, to listen to musical examples, and to work on special homework assignments and projects over the course of the semester.

To the right are two music videos about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We have listened to both of these in class, and have discussed some of the meaning behind the songs. (See comment instructions below to submit your answer) Based on what you know of the messages, and what you know of the music, answer the following two questions. For each question, you should write an answer that is a paragraph in length (3 to 5 sentences).

      • What is the meaning behind these songs?

      • What do these songs have in common?

If you are unable to view the videos to the right, you may click on the hyperlinks below:
"Happy Birthday" by Stevie Wonder -

"Pride (In the Name of Love" by U2 -

These will be graded as follows:
20 pts. You commented correctly, with your name listed.
20 pts. You answered the meaning question.
20 pts. You answered the comparison question.
20 pts. You wrote 3 to 5 sentences for each question.
20 pts. You used excellent grammar and spelling, and did not use abbreviations, slang, or "texting language"

Extra Credit (5 points) - Name an appropriate song that could be used to teach a concept in class. Be sure that the content and lyrics are appropriate to receive credit. Also, find an appropriate video on YouTube that could be used, and include the URL address.

To comment, just click on the link below that says "comments." Then make sure you sign your name by clicking "Name/URL" so that I know it is you leaving the comment. This assignment is due by Monday, August 29. If you have trouble posting, please e-mail your response to me at

Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to think of MLK on August 28, the day that he led the March on Washington and delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.

- Mr. Ward

Evolution of Music

Background - Lecrae

Hansel and Gretel