Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Extra Credit Blog: Vocal Styles

Hello Music Appreciators!

This week, you'll listen to the three videos above that show three singers singing in very different ways. This is extra credit - you can actually earn up to 100 points extra credit - an entire assignment!

Write four sentences about each style that you see (you should have a paragraph for each piece, with four sentences in each paragraph):

- One sentence that describes the timbre - 20 pts.

- One sentence that describes the style of the piece - 20 pts.

- One sentence that describes something unique about the singer or the song - 20 pts.

- One sentence that tells what you appreciate about the video - 20 pts.

- Good grammar and spelling, and you refer to each piece by the vocalists' names or the song titles - 20 pts.

Please comment by Monday, October 17 to receive extra credit.

-Mr. Ward

Here are the URL's, if the videos to the right are not working correctly:

Kongar-ol Ondar (Tuvan Throat Singing):

Franzl Lang - Einen Jodler hor i gern:

Bobby McFerrin - Drive:

Evolution of Music

Background - Lecrae

Hansel and Gretel