Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Instruments From Around the World
Hello Music Appreciators!
This week, you'll listen to three videos that show some different styles and instruments from around the world.
Write four sentences about each style that you see (you should have a paragraph for each piece, with four sentences in each paragraph):
- One sentence that describes the texture (monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic) - 20 pts.
- One sentence that describes the instrument (timbre, type) - 20 pts.
- One sentence that describes the mood of the piece - 20 pts.
- One sentence that describes the composition (improvised or composed - how can you tell?) - 20 pts.
- Good grammar and spelling, and you refer to each piece by the instrument names - 20 pts.
Make sure to have accurate information!
Please turn in by Monday, December 3 for full credit.
Here are the URL's, if the videos to the right are not working correctly:
Japanese Koto:
Swedish Nyckelharpa:
Northern Indian Sitar, Tabla and Tanpura:
-Mr. Ward
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Vocal Styles from Around the World
Hello Music Appreciators!
This week, you'll listen to the three videos to the right that show three singers singing in very different ways.
Write four sentences about each style (you should have a paragraph for each piece, with four sentences in each paragraph):
- One sentence that describes the timbre of the singer - 20 pts.
- One sentence that describes the style of the piece - 20 pts.
- One sentence that describes something unique about the singer or the song - 20 pts.
- One sentence that tells what you appreciate about the music - 20 pts.
- Good grammar and spelling, and you refer to each piece by the vocalists' names or the song titles - 20 pts.
Please comment by Monday, November 26 to receive full credit.
-Mr. Ward
Here are the URL's, if the videos to the right are not working correctly:
Kongar-ol Ondar (Tuvan Throat Singing):
Franzl Lang - Einen Jodler hor i gern:
Bobby McFerrin - Drive:
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Opera Critique Blog
Hello Opera Singers!
This week, you will watch your opera video and then comment on your individual performance. You may watch both operas, but you are only required to watch the one that you are in. You should write two paragraphs in your comment:
Paragraph one should comment on your singing. How well did you sing? Were there moments when your singing sounded more like talking? Did you use a full voice? Could you always understand your words? Did you sing with vibrato?
Paragraph two should comment on your acting. Did you stay in character always? Did you always face the audience? Name some ways that your acting helped to tell the story in your paragraph.
20 pts. You submitted a blog comment!
30 pts. You critiqued your singing in the first paragraph. You answered at least three of the questions above. (3-5 sentences)
30 pts. You critiqued your acting in the second paragraph. You answered the questions and told how your acting helped to tell the story. (3-5 sentences)
20 pts. You used good grammar and spelling when writing.
Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Wednesday, November 7 for full credit.
In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
Little Red Riding Hood -
Hansel and Gretel -
Paragraph one should comment on your singing. How well did you sing? Were there moments when your singing sounded more like talking? Did you use a full voice? Could you always understand your words? Did you sing with vibrato?
Paragraph two should comment on your acting. Did you stay in character always? Did you always face the audience? Name some ways that your acting helped to tell the story in your paragraph.
20 pts. You submitted a blog comment!
30 pts. You critiqued your singing in the first paragraph. You answered at least three of the questions above. (3-5 sentences)
30 pts. You critiqued your acting in the second paragraph. You answered the questions and told how your acting helped to tell the story. (3-5 sentences)
20 pts. You used good grammar and spelling when writing.
In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
Little Red Riding Hood -
Hansel and Gretel -
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The Barber of Seville (Opera Blog 1)
Hello class,
This week, you will listen to two videos to the right. They are each different arias from The Barber of Seville. When you discuss the videos, please refer to them as "Figaro's Aria" and "Io sono docile," or you may refer to the singer (Pietro Spagnoli or Kathleen Battle ).
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo! A most fortunate man indeed! Ready to do everything Night and day, Always on the move. A cushier fate for a barber, A more noble life, is not to be had.
Razors and combs, Lancets and scissors, At my command Everything's there. Here are the tools Of my trade With the ladies...with the gentlemen...
Everyone asks for me, everyone wants me, Ladies, young lads, old men, young girls: Here is the wig...the beard is ready...Here are the leeches...The note is ready...Here is the wig, the beard is ready, The note is ready, hey!
Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!, etc. Ah, what frenzy! Ah, what a crowd! One at a time, please! Hey, Figaro! I'm here. Figaro here, Figaro there, Figaro up, Figaro down,
Swifter and swifter, I'm like a thunderbolt: I'm the factotum of the city. Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo, You'll never lack for luck!
I am docile, I am respectful, I am obedient, sweet, loveable
I am held down, I will take control, But if they hold me back where I have a partiality
If I’m thwarted, I will be a viper and have a hundred tricks
Before giving up I will make fools of them. Yes, yes, I will win him. If I at least will be allowed to have the chance.
20 pts. You submitted a blog comment!
30 pts. You described the acting and singing in Figaro's aria in a paragraph (3-5 sentences)
30 pts. You described the acting and singing in Rosina's aria in a second paragraph (3-5 sentences)
20 pts. You used good grammar and spelling when writing.
In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
Figaro's Aria (sung by Pietro Spagnoli) -
Rosina's Aria (sung by Kathleen Battle) -
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Mozart Extra Credit Blog
Hello Music Appreciators!
This week, you'll listen to just one video of an orchestra playing the music of Mozart. On this extra credit blog, you are able to earn up to 50 points! This cannot hurt your grade; it can only make it better! Aim for the full fifty points.
Write a well-put together paragraph that describes the characterisitics that you hear and see to prove that this piece does fit in the Classical period. Refer to your Classical characteristics notes as you answer. You should have at least 5 reasons for why the piece is a Classical one. Remember, all of the characteristics in your notes might not fit for this piece, so listen to the entire piece and make sure you pick the ones that are most relevant.
15 points - You wrote a nice paragraph - at least 5 sentences
10 points - You used at least five characteristics to prove that this piece is a Classical piece.
15 points - You show that you understand all of the characteristics that you mention, and they are truly applicable to the piece in the video.
10 points - You used excellent grammar in your writing.
Please turn in by Monday, October 8 to earn extra credit.
Here is the URL, if the video above is not working correctly:
-Mr. Ward
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Hello music appreciators!
For your blog this week, you will listen to the three versions of "Yesterday" that are on the right.
As you listen, think about how the interpretations and arrangements are similar and how they are different.
In paragraph one, write about specific ways (instruments, dynamics, tempo, mood, etc.) that the three versions are similar and different.
In paragraph two, explain which version you like the best, and explain WHY you like it the best. Be specific in your reasoning of why you prefer one version over the rest.
20 pts. When referring to the different examples, the student uses the names of the musicians (not video 1, 2 3)
20 pts. The student has written one paragraph that has 3 to 5 sentences that describe how the different arrangements are similar and different.
20 pts. The students has written a second paragraph that has 3 to 5 sentences that explains clearly which version is liked more, and the student includes clear reasoning.
20 pts. By the way the student discusses the music, it is clear that they listened to each entire video.
20 pts. The student used excellent grammar and spelling in their comments.
Be sure to comment on this blog post by Monday, October 1 to receive credit for your blog.
If you are not able to open the videos, here are the URL's:
Paul McCartney (the Beatles) -
Boyz II Men -
Marvin Gaye: -
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
String Instruments Blog
Hello class,
This week, you will listen to four videos to the right. As you listen, you should think about how the timbre (the tone color) and pitch (highness/lowness) of the instruments are different. Also, you need to think about the style of music that you are hearing.
Here are some good timbre words:
light or heavy; dark or bright; breathy; punchy; clear; focussed or unfocussed; piercing; harsh; warm; mellow; resonant; flat; vibrato (do you hear it vibrating?) or no vibrato
Write 8 sentences: One sentence about each instrument that describes how it is uniquely different than the other three, and another sentence that describes the style of music that the instrument is playing.
20 pts - Students commented correctly using the blog, and included their name.
20 pts - Students comment on pitch of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the timbre of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the style of the music that each instrument is playing.
20 pts - Students used correct grammar and spelling.
Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Monday, September 24 for full credit.
In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
String Bass:
This week, you will listen to four videos to the right. As you listen, you should think about how the timbre (the tone color) and pitch (highness/lowness) of the instruments are different. Also, you need to think about the style of music that you are hearing.
Here are some good timbre words:
light or heavy; dark or bright; breathy; punchy; clear; focussed or unfocussed; piercing; harsh; warm; mellow; resonant; flat; vibrato (do you hear it vibrating?) or no vibrato
Write 8 sentences: One sentence about each instrument that describes how it is uniquely different than the other three, and another sentence that describes the style of music that the instrument is playing.
20 pts - Students commented correctly using the blog, and included their name.
20 pts - Students comment on pitch of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the timbre of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the style of the music that each instrument is playing.
20 pts - Students used correct grammar and spelling.
Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Monday, September 24 for full credit.
In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
String Bass:
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Woodwind Blog
Hello class,
This week, you will be listen to the FOUR woodwind videos to the right. As you listen, you should think about how the timbre (the tone color) and pitch (highness/lowness) of the instruments are different. Which one creates the highest sounds? Which one creates the lowest sounds?
Here are some good timbre words: light or heavy; dark or bright; breathy; punchy; clear; focussed or unfocussed; piercing; harsh; warm; mellow; resonant; flat; has a strong vibrato (do you hear it vibrating?) or no vibrato
For each instrument, write two sentences: One sentence about each instrument that describes the pitch and timbre. A second sentence should describe the style (classical, folk, popular) of the music in the video as best as you can. You should have a total of 8 sentences.
20 pts - Students refer to each instrument by name (not by video #1, #2)
20 pts - Students comment on pitch of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the timbre of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly describe the style of the music being played by each instrument.
20 pts - Students used correct grammar and spelling.
Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Monday, September 17 for full credit.
In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
Have a great day!
-Mr. Ward
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Brass Instruments
Hello again,
This week, you will listen to FOUR videos to the right. As you listen, you should think about how the timbre (the tone quality) and pitch (highness/lowness) of the instruments are different. How are these instruments different from each other?
Here are some good timbre words to use:
light or heavy; dark or bright; breathy; punchy; clear; focussed or unfocussed; piercing; harsh; warm; mellow; resonant; flat; vibrato or without vibrato (do you hear the vibrations?)
Write four complete sentences: One sentence about each instrument that describes how it is uniquely different from the other three.
20 pts - Students commented correctly using the blog, and included their name.
20 pts - Students comment on pitch of different instruments.
20 pts - Students correctly comment on the timbre of different instruments.
20 pts - Each instrument is described to show how it is unique.
20 pts - Students used correct grammar and spelling.
Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Monday, September 10 for full credit.
In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
French Horn:
Monday, August 27, 2012
Hello class,
This week, you will watch just two videos you see to the right - a "Stomp" video, and a video of the Blue Man Group.
As you listen, think about the rhythms that you hear and see. Use at least 5 of the words you see here. When you use them, make sure you show that you understand what the words mean.
Write 2 paragraphs (at least three sentences in each) - one about Stomp, and one about the Blue Man Group.
Make sure to comment on this blog by Tuesday, September 4 in order to receive full credit.
20 pts. You wrote a comment!
20 pts. You used correct grammar, punctuation, capital letters, etc.
20 pts. paragraph one about tells about Stomp (at least 3 sentences)
20 pts. paragraph two tells about the Blue Man Group (at least 3 sentences)
20 pts. 5 of the above words were used correctly
If you cannot see the videos, here are the URL's
Blue Man Group:
Thursday, August 16, 2012
MLK Blog
Hello Music Appreciators!
This blog will be used to communicate, to listen to musical examples, and to work on special homework assignments and projects over the course of the semester.
To the right are two music videos about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We have listened to both of these in class, and have discussed some of the meaning behind the songs. (See comment instructions below to submit your answer) Based on what you know of the messages, and what you know of the music, answer the following two questions. For each question, you should write an answer that is 3 to 5 sentences (two paragraphs total).
This blog will be used to communicate, to listen to musical examples, and to work on special homework assignments and projects over the course of the semester.
To the right are two music videos about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We have listened to both of these in class, and have discussed some of the meaning behind the songs. (See comment instructions below to submit your answer) Based on what you know of the messages, and what you know of the music, answer the following two questions. For each question, you should write an answer that is 3 to 5 sentences (two paragraphs total).
§ What is the meaning behind these songs?
§ What do these songs have in common?
If you are unable to view the videos to the right, you may click on the hyperlinks below:
"Happy Birthday" by Stevie Wonder -
"Pride (In the Name of Love" by U2 -
These will be graded as follows:
20 pts. You commented correctly, with your name listed.
20 pts. You answered the meaning question.
20 pts. You answered the comparison question.
20 pts. You wrote 3 to 5 sentences for each question.
20 pts. You used excellent grammar and spelling, and did not use abbreviations, slang, or "texting language"
Extra Credit (5 points) - Name an appropriate song that could be used to teach a concept in class. Be sure that the content and lyrics are appropriate to receive credit. Also, find an appropriate video on YouTube that could be used, and include the URL address.
To comment, just click on the link below that says "comments." Then make sure you sign your name by clicking "Name/URL" so that I know it is you leaving the comment. This assignment is due by Monday, August 27. If you have trouble posting, please e-mail your response to me at
Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to think of MLK on August 28, the day that he led the March on Washington and delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.
- Mr. Ward
Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to think of MLK on August 28, the day that he led the March on Washington and delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.
- Mr. Ward
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