Hello Music Appreciators!
This week, you'll listen to two videos that show some different choral styles. One is Renaissance, one is more of a modern day piece.
The first piece is Ave Maria by Franz Biebl - written in 1964 (also to the right):
The second piece is Sicut Cervus by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Renaissance piece (also to the right):
Listen to each of the pieces. Write one sentence that describes the following in each piece (you should have a paragraph for each piece, with four sentences in each paragraph):
- Texture (monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic) - 20 pts.
- Tempo - 20 pts.
- Meter - 20 pts.
- Use of dynamics (gradual changes? terraced?) - 20 pts.
- Good grammar and spelling, and you refer to each piece by it's name/composer - 20 pts.
Make sure to have accurate information!
Please turn in by Monday, October 26 for full credit.
-Mr. Ward
The Chior uses a lot of tone changing when they sing. The tempo is very slow when they sing. The meter is on 4 I think. The dynamics do not change.
The tempo of Ave Maria by Biebel is moderate. The textuer of this piece is monophonic and has gradual dynamics. The meter count was very hard to distinguish.
In Sicut Cervus By Palestrina was also monophonic the meter count was 1 and 4 the tempo of this song was moderate like Ave Maria by Biebel
The tempo in the first video was slow. The musical piece is polyphonic because it contains lots of voices. The is really hard to find out because there basicly nothing but singing.
The tempo off the lady singing is fast. This musical piece is monophonic. In this muscial piece the lady is accompany by different types of instruments. The meter of this musical piece is 4. There are terrace dynamics in this piece throughout the musical piece.
Ave Maria by Frank Biebl is an homophonic piece by an all male choir.The tempo is slow it also doesn,t seem to have any terraced dynamics or gradual dynamics. The melody seems to stay constant throughout the piece. I think the meter was four.
This piece is polyphoic becauce the four guys are seeming to be singing diffrent parts. It seems there is no music and that means it is acapella. Sicut Cervus by Palestrina has a little bit of gradual dynamics.
Ave Maria is homophonic. The tempo is very slow, and its meter seems like its in 2, but it’s difficult to tell. This piece had some terraced dynamics, but they weren't as loud and gradual as some of the pieces we listened to in class. To me, Ave Maria seems more modern day.
Palestrina seems more of a Renaissance because its polyphonic. This piece is like a Motet, which means that is sacred. This piece had about 4 different parts, and almost like Madrigals with 5 parts. Madrigals are nonreligious though. The tempo is slow and has a meter of 1.
The texture of Ave Maria is homophonic.The tempo is slow. The meter is 4. There are gradual dynamics in Ave Maria.
The texture of Sicut Cervus is polyphonic. The tempo is slow also.The meter is 2.
There are also gradual dynamics.
Ave Maria has a poplyphonic texture. The piece has a slow tempo. The dynamics gradually change.The meter is 3/4.
The texutre of Sicut Ceervus is homophonic. It has a moderate tempo. The piece had terraced dynamics. The meter is 4.
Ave Maria is polyphonic. The tempo is slow.The meter sounds like 3/4. The change is gradual it's not terraced because it flows up and down.
Sicut is homophonic.The tempo is moderate.The meter is 4/4.The change is gradual in this piece. It's not terraced because it goes up and down also like Ave Maria.
I think Avia Maria has a homophonic texture.Toward the middle of the song,two voice groups join together.The tempo is slow,from beginning to end.This is also a modern day piece.The dynamics stay the same throughout the song and the meter is in 4 measures.
Sicut Cervus is polyphonic.The tempo is slow.You can't really identify the meter.The dynamics are soft throughout the piece.
In the piece Ave Maria by Biebel the texture of the piece was a bit of polyphonic nut mostly monophonic. The tempo of the song was moderate slow, it seemed to drag there words at times. The meter of the song was, in my count,was 3 or 4. The dynamics of the piece were gradual changes.
The piece of Sicut Cervus by Palestrina reminded me of the piece As Vesta Was Descending. This piece was definitly homophonic. The tempo stayed at a moderate speed. The meter for me was 5. The dynamics of the piece gradual change.
In Ave. Maria I am able to hear parts that are homophonic and other parts that are polyphonic. The piece has a slow tempo. The meter of the piece is in 4/4 time. The dynamics are gradual because the glee club takes gradual steps to increase dynamics.
Sicut Cervus is a polyphonic piece as I can hear more than one melody from the beginning. There is a moderate tempo that is contained throughout. The meter is in 4/4 time. I heard majority of gradual dynamics, not hearing any abrupt changes in the volume level.
Ave Maria by Franz Biebl has a monophonic texture. This piece has a slow tempo. The meter is 4/4 time.This piece incorporate both gradual and terraced dynamics in their music.Sicut Cervus by Palestrina has a monophonic texture.This piece has a slow tempo. This piece incorporate gradual dynamics if any at all.
In Ave Maria it had a slow tempo. The pieces’ texture was homophonic type of piece. I feel that this piece had a 4-4 tempo. This piece also had gradual dynamics.
In the piece Sicut Cervus I feel that the texture of the song was polyphonic. This piece also had a song type of tempo. I think that this piece was also had a 4-4 meter. The tpe of dynamics in this piece were gradual.
The first piece has a slow tempo. It is polyphonic since there is more then one melody. There are gradual dynamics in the piece. The meter is in four.
The second piece is also polyphonic. It has a slow tempo but not as slow as the first piece. There are gradual dynamics again. The meter is in four.
The first piece Ave Maria, which I think was a church song, this piece didn't have any terraced dynamics, and had a moderately slow meter. The texture of this piece was homophonic.
The second piece, Sicut Vervus was also a church song, which sounded like catholic music. In this piece I could hear an organ in the beginning but I can also tell the voices are more important than instruments in this piece, also Sicut Cervus has a moderately slow meter and this piece too was homophonic.
Ave Maria has a texture that is monophonic. The tempo is moderate however can be slow. The meter was had to count but it was a four count. The dynamics were gradually changing.
In Sicut Cervus the texture was polyphonic. The tempo was also moderate just like in Ave Maria. The meter was a four beat count. The dynamics were gradually changing
The texture of Ave Maria by Bieble is homophonic. The tempo is slow, and the meter is in four counts. Ave Maria has gradual changes, but not as much.
The texture of Sicut Cervus by Palestrina is polyphonic. The meter is in a four count. The tempo of this piece is some what fast. Sicut Cervus has terraced dynamics.
The Franz Biebl piece is homophonic. The tempo is slow. The meter was in four. There are no terraced dynamics. There are gradual changes in the singers voices.There were many changes in their voices they went from high to low and low to high.
The second piece by Giovanni is polyphonic.The tempo is slow. The dynamics are grdual in this piece. This piece sounds like worship or gospel music. I liked both of these pieces.
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