Hello Music Appreciators!
This week, you'll listen to just one video of an orchestra playing the music of Mozart.
Write a well-put together paragraph that describes the characterisitics that you hear and see to prove that this piece does fit in the Classical period. Refer to your Classical characteristics sheet as you answer. You should have at least 5 reasons for why the piece is a Classical one. Remember, all of the characteristics on the sheet might not fit for this piece, so listen to the entire piece and make sure you pick the ones that are most relevant.
25 points - You wrote a nice paragraph - at least 5 sentences
25 points - You used at least five characteristics to prove that this piece is a Classical piece.
25 points - You show that you understand all of the characteristics that you mention, and they are truly applicable to the piece in the video.
25 points - You used excellent grammar in your writing.
Please turn in by Monday, February 22 for full credit.
Here is the URL, if the video to the right is not working correctly:
-Mr. Ward
Pervis Edmonds
In my opinion what made this orchestra a classical piece was the violin because the violin made most of melodies at the beginning of the piece. Also the rhythms and meters were more predictable during the middle of the song, but it was syncopated during the beginning. Also the French horn, the Clarinet, the Bassoon, and the Cello made the orchestra more standardized. Also near the end the conductor made several terraced dynamics with the violins by starting off with a low sound and ending with a larger sound. Moreover, the rhythms that they use are simpler than the musical styles of the Baroque period because the Baroque had few woodwind instruments than the classical period.
This Mozart's Jupiter Symphony is a classical piece because a violin is included and predictable rythms and melodies occur also. The Candences are frequent and are noticeable when they come to an end. Melodies in this piece are recognizable and you can tall when they will return. The rythms in this piece are easy to count but no terranced dynamics are present. But what really makes this piece fit into the classical family is the violin and its strong part in this piece.
I believe that Mozart's Jupiter symphony was a classical piece because it was homophonic. I heard many different sounds in the piece. This symphony also had terraced dynamics beacuse the pitch of the song changed gradually. This symphony also had a piano in it. There also were woodwind instrumens included.
The piece is classical because it has classical characteristics. It is a classical melody. The piece also has a classical tempo. The rhythm is slow and plays long notes. Also there is a conductor who leads the band. Lastly there are violins that are played through out the song.
This piece is a classical piece because are thematic, and are easy to recognize. It has simple, and less complex rythyms.There are Terraced Dynamics in the beginning of the song. Also the violin is the main orchestral instrument. There are some characteristics that wouldn't make this non-classical, for example, there is no percussion, even though there is no percussion in this piece, I still believe that this is a classical piece
Mozart Symphony #41 is a classical piece. Its a classical piece because its by Mozart who was a composer during this time. It also has a simple meter of 4. The main instruments are the violins. It also has a little terraced dynamics.
Some characteristcs of classical music are cadences are frequent which means the music changes pitch instantly. The violin carries the melody. The rhythems are predictable and easy to recognize. They have tutti;more than one instrument playing at once.Most of the piece is soft.
Mozart Jupiter One is being played. The violin is the often the played in this piece. There are terranced dynamics being played in this piece. In the beginning of the phrase its starts with a crescendo into the peak of the phrase then decrescendos down to finish the phrases adding a dynamic contrast during sections of Mozart Jupiter One. During Mozart Jupiter One there are several rhythm changes where you notice the composer’s change of thought showing his verity of musical arrangements.
This piece is definately classical. It has frequent cadences. The music has a very simple meter to tap too. The melody of the orchestra is pretty predictable. The symphony orchestra is divided into four sections, strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. The symphony also a lot of key contrast.
Mozart's jupiter symphony is a classical piece because the violins are the most dominant as you listen, also you can hear a little of the flutes which are woodwinds, you also can hear the chellos in the piece, it has a little of terranced dynamics, and the timbre of this piece light because it keeps a kind of happy tone to it.
Mozart's jupiter symphony is a classical piece because the violins are the most dominant as you hear, also you can hear you hear some flutes in there which are woodwinds, you can also hear the chellos, it has some terranced dynamics, and the timbre is light because it keeps a happy tone to it throught out most of it.
In Mozart's Jupiter Symphony the orchestra becomes standardized with three parts. Such as, the strings, woodwinds,and brass intruments.In the music piece from the organ rhythms and melodies are very predictable. There are also terraced dynamics in this piece of music.Has she plays the harpsichord the music uses several key contrasts.
The first video, Mozart's Jupiter Symphony, was very nice. I could tell it was a classical piece because the violin really carried the main part. Also, there were some rhythms that came back towards the middle and ending of the symphony. I heard a recognizable meter as well when i listened to the song. There was a little bit of terraced dynamics when the orchestra suddenly stopped playing, and then started again. Lastly, the symphony had the higher strings providing the melody, and the lower strings provided the harmony. I liked this symphony, and Mozart overall, and can see why he is so greaat.
During the two pieces of music, I could tell that they were classical music because each piece had some cadences. The both had terreaced dynamics going suddenly from loud to soft, then each had a thematic and easily remembered melody finally each section had a moment where before one addded on it shined in front before each section was added
This music composition is clearly a classical piece. The voilin carries the melody all through out the music. The piece has many endings , so this means it has cadences, and this is a characteristic for a classical piece. Another reason this is classical is because the parts that the strings are playing repeat. Also becasue the meter is simple, this is a classical piece. I believe the meter of this piece is 3/4. The last reason that is piece is classical is becasue it has some terraced dynamics, but the terreaced dynamics included are not as dramatic as some of the previous classical pieces that we have listened to.
L'amar Greer
The violin was the predominate instrument in the orchestra. This sound gave a lot of vibrato. The rhythms used simple meters. They also were predictable along with the melody. There was alot of terraced dynamics.
Mozart's Jupiter symphony really does not have one harmony it has many due too the tempos. It has a soft dynamic to it in the beggining then it starts to get a get a higher pitch tords the middle. Which starts to make it sound more like a horror movie than in the begginig when it sounded calm and peaceful. Also thru out the different parts it brings a different harmony which makes the sound seem dramatic or less dramatic.
In the Mozart Jupitar symphony the violin is the principal orchestral instrument. The melodies are more thematic. Also the rythems use meters which are simpler and more regular. You could hear pretty predictable rythems and melodies. Also at the end the are cadences
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