Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bach Blog

Hello Music Appreciators!

This week, you'll listen to just one video of an orchestra playing the music of Bach.

Write a well-put together paragraph that describes the characterisitics that you hear and see to prove that this piece does fit in the Baroque period. Refer to your Baroque characteristics sheet as you answer. You should have at least 5 reasons for why the piece is a Baroque one. Remember, all of the characteristics on the sheet might not fit for this piece, so listen to the entire piece and make sure you pick the ones that are most relevant.

25 points - You wrote a nice paragraph - at least 5 sentences
25 points - You used at least five characteristics to prove that this piece is a Baroque piece.
25 points - You show that you understand all of the characteristics that you mention (include details of what you see and hear!), and they are truly applicable to the piece in the video.
25 points - You used excellent grammar in your writing.

Please turn in by Monday, April 12 for full credit.

Here is the URL, if the video to the right is not working correctly:


maskayla hart said...

This is is a baroque piece. This is a baroque piece because the use of harpsichord.Also because the orchestra is mostly strings and few wood winds.This piece has one mood through out the composition.This picec has relentless and pulsating rhythems. this piece is homophonic.

pervis edmonds said...

Pervis Edmonds
Based on the orchestral suite no.3 I notice the use of harpsichord during the beginning of the piece when the strings were playing you can hear it, but it is faint, and low in pitch. Also I hear the orchestra with more stringed instruments, such as the violin, but less woodwind instruments when the piece started. When I heard the piece I realized that it had only one mood throughout the whole composition and I thought the mood was calm, and passionate. Near the end of the piece I could hear that there were ornamental melodies, but the melody ended during some parts of the piece making it similar to terraced dynamics. Lastly there were relentless and pulsating rhythms based on the tempo of the strings, and the harpsichord because if you pay attention to the pace you can hear that the harpsichord and strings are playing at a similar rate.

LaqueshaColeman said...

The piece Bach: Orchestral Suite NO. 3 MVMY. 2 is considered to be baroque because of the presence of the harpsichord, the one mood that plays throughout the song, and the ornamental melodies. Other characteristics that are in this piece includes relentless rhythms andthe prominence of religious text that is included also. These characteristics make this piece one of baroque.

Kayla Roulhac P8 said...

Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 3, Mvmt. 2 is definately from the baroque period. The piece has mood one troughout. I also hear the use of the harpsichord frequently. The orchestra is also based on the strings. The rhythms are very pulsating, they never seem to end. The piece dosen't have many ornamental melodies but I did hear a few.

Marvin Marshall said...

Bach's Orchestral Suite No. 3 has many characteristics of a Baroque piece. The Harpsichord in this suite plays many ornamental/ evolving melodies. This piece also has one depressing mood throughout the entire piece. I can also hear a bass continuo throughout the entire piece. I also hear pulsating rhythms throughout the entire piece

Dimitrius Harrington said...

For Bach's orchestral suite it is considered as a boroque piece because it has one mood throughout the the song. There's also the use of the harpischord in the song. Bach's suite is also considered as a boroque piece beacuse the song had alot of ornamental melodies, which made the song sound beatiful. The suite also had a homophony melody.

Danielle Brooks said...

Bach Orchestral Suite No.3 is a Baroque piece. It is a Baroque piece because there was one piece leading the orchestra which is the violin. In the piece you can hear the bass line. The orchestra was made of mostly strings. The piece had one melody throughout the whole piece and it never seemed to end but in the beginning it paused. The piece also had one mood.

Alexzandria Jones said...

Bach's piece Orchestral Suite No. 3, Mvmt. 2, is consider Baroque because the harpischord is uses throughout the piece. The mood throughout the piece is the same, it neve changes. Also there is a relentless pulsating rhytmn that canbe heard throughout the piece. Finally there is a strong bass line in the background.

Steve Moody said...

Bach's Orchestral Suite No. 3 can easily be recognized as a Baroque period piece of music. Instantly I hear the use of the harpsichord, which is distinctly used for Baroque period of time. Then there is the pulsating rhythm and mood that is carried throughout the whole piece, unlike classical whose moods can change within a song. Then there really aren't any other "families" of musical instruments besides the strings section and the harpsichord. I can really hear the presence of the basso continuo, and how it keeps the mood and progresses the song. Lastly, I hear the ornamental melodies the violins use to add a little "flair" to the piece.

Makeda Allen said...

Bach:Orchestral uite No. 3 Mvmt. 2 is baroque due to the charecteristics that are similar. It only contains one mood thru out the piece. I alo hear pulating rhythm through the piecs. It i mostly baed on the trings.

Anonymous said...

Lamar Greer

In Bach's Orchestral suite NO. 3 MVMT. 2, there are many characteristics that idicate that this piece is Boroque. There is a strong base line present. The harpsichord is playing. The violins are playing the melody. There were hardly any woodwind instruments playing. Lastly, the mood of the piece remained the same throughout.

Michael Staples said...

Suite No. 3 is a baroque piece. One thing i heard that made it a baroque piece was the harpsicord. The mood was very sad and sounded dramatic to me. There is also a pulsaing rhythm. This is definitely a baroque piece.

Evolution of Music

Background - Lecrae

Hansel and Gretel