Hello Musicians,
First, watch the two clips from Fiddler on the Roof. The first video, "Matchmaker," shows us Tevye's three daughters singing about their futures. The second video, "To Life," occurs right after Tevye has promised his daughter's hand to the butcher, Lazar.
Second, answer each question with complete sentences. Each question is worth 15 points.
If you would like to see a bigger picture, just double-click on the video, and it will open up in YouTube.
1. Who is Yente?
2. What are the three girls terrified about?
3. When the Russians start clapping (after the soloist), which beats are they clapping on?
4. Describe two of the dance moves that you see.
Question 1: 20 points
Question 2: 20 points
Question 3: 20 points
Question 4: 20 points
Grammer, Spelling, Complete sentences: 20 points
Please write and submit your post for this assignment by Monday, November 1 for full credit.
In case you can't watch the videos to the right, here are the URL's for the videos:
Matchmaker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59Hj7bp38f8
To Life (Lechaim): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvr8AjT0aD0
1. Yente is the matchmaker.
2. The three girls are terrified about getting a match that is not what they want and that is mean to them.
3. When the Russians start clapping they are clapping on a steady beat on beats 1 and 2.
4. Two dance moves I see is the stepping , and some ballerina dances.
Yente is the village matchmaker and is the one who decides the marriages of those who have not yet made a match. Chava, Hodel, and Tzeitel want the perfect match but Yente isn't exactly the best at choosing actually. The russians seem to clap on a 4/4 note but the speed increases. One dance move of the first russian looks firm, strong and quick. Another dance move would be at 2:47 when the russians are moving their feet in perfect sync.
1. Yente is the Match Maker.
2. The Three girls are terrified of getting stuck with someone they don't want to be with.
3. The Russians clap on beats 2 and 4.
4.The Russian dance seems more acrobatic and ballet assorted. The Jews seem to hold hands to maybe symbolize unity of the people. Myles Alston
Match Maker and To Life (Lechaim)
1.) Yente is the oldest of Tevye’s three daughters.
2.) The three girls are terrified about being matched up with a man that’s not to their standards.
3.) In To Life the men clap on the first and third beat in every count.
4.) The two dance moves that I see in To Life are people are kicking and moving at the same time. A line of men are stomping while moving at the same time.
1. Yente is the matchmaker who matches the women with their future husbands.
2. The three girls are terrified that the matchmaker may not match them with the right guy or the men that meet their standards.
3. As the Russians begin to clap the clap on the beats of 2 and 4.
4. Some dance moves that I see are the men kicking their legs in the air as if in the kick line. Also, I see a form of the dance called the Jerk when the men are putting one foot behind them and jumping.
1. Yente is the person who arranges the daughters' matches.
2. The girls are afraid that Yente will match them up with men they will not like.
3. The men clap on beats 2 and 4.
4. The way the men dance, some combine stepping and tap dancing, while some do a Russian form of square dancing.
Hello Mr. Ward, Yente was the matchmaker and the three girls were terrified about not having a good man. When the russians start clapping, they was clapping on the beat at the end of the song. Two dances they did was when they was walking in a circle with their hands in the air and when they had their arms on each other's back doing some footworking.
1. Yente is the villages matchmaker. She helps people fimd significant others to marry.
2. The three girls are scared that they might not get a match to their liking.
3. The Russians are clapping on beats 2 and 4.
4. One dance move is a guy and he is doing a lot of spinning. There is another guy doing a lot of jumping.
1.)Yente is the youngest girl who want some one to arrange the match.
2.)The three girls are terrified of having a unresponseable match,the girls want the match of their dreams.
3.)The Russians are claping during a verse.
4.)The dance moves were excited,but also did as a team. The dance moves were serious and expressive because of how deeply serious the men were.
1).Yente is the match maker. 2). The girls were terrified of getting marry to a man they dont like. 3). The russians clap on the every 2 beat to 4 beat. 4).The dance i saw was a man getting up shaking his hands in the air and a group of men holding each other arm while kicking their leg out. - Tevin King
1).Yente is the match maker. 2). The girls were terrified of getting marry to a man they dont like. 3). The russians clap on the every 2 beat to 4 beat. 4).The dance i saw was a man getting up shaking his hands in the air and a group of men holding each other arm while kicking their leg out. - Tevin King
This comment is related to the opera that we performed in class. I have noticed that I did not use much vibratto in the opera and I have learned that opera singers use a lot of vibratto. Next time I will make sure to use vibratto and take good deep breathes. Lastly, I noticed that I was not acting as much as needed. For the next project, I will try to put more effort into the acting.
1. Yante is the matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof.
2. They are terrified of being matched with a bad husband.
1) Yente is the village Matchmaker.
2) The girls are terrified that Yente will bring them a man that they dont want.
3)The russians are clapping on beat 2 and 4.
4)One dance was when Tevye raised his arms and stompedhis feet and was singing "dai dai dai" over and over again. The other one was when the Jews were doing some form of a line dance.
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