This week, you'll listen to two videos that show some different choral styles. One is from the Renaissance period, and the other is more of a modern day piece. In addition, you'll critique your performance in the opera (find your opera at the bottom of the blog).
The first piece is Sicut Cervus by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - written during the Renaissance period (also to the right):
The second piece is Ave Maria by Franz Biebl - written in 1964 (also to the right):
Listen to each of the pieces. Write one sentence that describes the following in each piece (you should have a paragraph for each piece, with four sentences in each paragraph):
- Texture (monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic) - 15 pts.
- Tempo - 15 pts.
- Meter - 15 pts.
- Use of dynamics (gradual changes? terraced?) - 15 pts.
- Good grammar and spelling, and you refer to each piece by it's name/composer - 20 pts.
- A third paragraph should critique your performance in the musical. Be sure to mention specific things that you could improve on - 20 pts.
Make sure to have accurate information!
Turn in by Monday, November 8 for full credit.
-Mr. Ward
In Sicut Cervus the singers are eithe homophonic or monophonic. I hear the voices going up and down as one but I can still here one that seems to go higher and it sounds like a womans voice, there tempo is sort of slow but it does go a little faster. This is the Renaissance period so it is natural for this to sound like holy music, the meter sounds like it's in 5 but it's probably more like 4. This song is possibly a motet but I don't know if it's also a word painting. There are changed dynamics but they seem to be gradual changes.
In Biebl's Ave Maria it is most likely polyphonic because they seem to be enter at different times. The tempo is slow but it can get faster at some points and even slower. There are terraced dynamics but it is barely noticeable so it mis a gradual change.
Looking at myself sing makes me very embaressed. I could've held a note longer and even sang better. I should have put the ball under my shirt earlier because it looks just lazy. The one thing I really should've done is go a little higher to sound better.
In Sicut Cervus the texture is polyphonic. This piecehas a slow tempo. The dynamics of the piec are piano to mezzo piano to mezzo forte. The meter is in common time.
In Ave Maria the texture is homophonic. The tempo is moderately slow to moderately fast. The meter is common time. The dynamics are mezzo piano to forte.
For the piece called Sicut Cervus it has a polyphonic texture, there are many different melodies that comes in at different times. The song has a medium tempo. The meter of this song is 6. In the song the dynamics gradually change.
For the piece Biebl's Ave Maria it has a homophonic texture, there are many alot of people singing the same melody. The song has a slow tempo. The meter of this song is 2. In the song dynamics gradually change throughout the whole piece.
I think my performance was good, I did some good things and some bad things. I think i did a good acting in the beginning, but fell off at the end of the act. My singing was not that good. I could've added some vabrato to my voice. It sounded like I was talking on some parts.
Sicut Cervus has a polyphonic texture. The meter of this song is in a measure of 4. Gradual dynamics are used in this peice. Also, this song has a slow tempo.
Biebl's Ave Maria is a monophonic somg. This song is sang in a meter of 4. The director uses gradual dynamics in this song. the tempo of this song is medium.
The texture in Sicut Cervus was homophonic because it sounded slightly thick. The tempo was moderate. I had difficulty finding a meter in this soung. In Siuct Cervus the dynamics have gradual changes.
The texure in Biebl's Ave Maria seems homophonic because the smae song is being sung at different times. The tempo is pretty slow. I know that the song has a meter I'm just not able to find it. The dynamics in Biebl's Ave Maria are also gradual.
My performance in the musical was horrible! I could have acted a lot better than that. My singing was pretty bad(maybe because I CANT SING!!!!). I could barely hear myself sing, I could have at least raised my voice a little higher than that. There are so many things that I have to work on. Next time I will definitely show more effort.
Sicut Cervus
The texture of Sicut Cervus is polyphonic because each man was singing a different melody in the song. The tempo of Sicut Cervus was kept at a moderate speed. The meter that the men were singing at was a count of four. The dynamics in the song were terraced dynamics because the pitches and speed of the singer’s voice changed occasionally.
Biebl’s Ave Maria
The texture of Biebl’s Ave Maria is homophonic because the melody remained the same throughout but the pitch and tempo changed occasionally. The tempo of Biebl’s Ave Maria is moderate. The meter that the chorus was singing at was a count of five. The dynamics in the song changed but not very often.
Group 2
The wolf’s singing in Group 2 had resonance and vibrato. The pitch of Little Red was low and vibrato did not occur often. The recitative in both stories helped me to feel as though I was also in the Opera. The tempo in the Ax Man’s signing was moderate.
In the sicut cervus the texture was monophonic. The tempo was moderate. The meter was in 4. The dynamic changes was it got louder. In ave maria the texture was homophonic. The tempo was slow. The dynamic changes was when it got softer. The meter was 3.-Tevin King
In the my opera i believe that i couid have put more efford in singing. I also i believe i could have used more vibratto in my voice. I could have acted better to but overall i think i did ok.-Tevin King
The first video's texture is polyhonic because there's more then one person talking. The tempo was slow. The meter was 4. The use of dynamics was the gradual changes.
The second video's texture was homophonic because it was the same.
The tempo was slow. I think the meter was 6. The use of dynamics was terraced.
The opera I did I think was good, but I was not singing the way I was singing in pratice. I think I didn't take that breath I was surpose to take before I singed.
Sicut Cervus is a homophonic piece because different melodies are sung at the same time. The tempo is rather slow. The meter is in 6. The dynamics of the song are gradual.
Ave Maria is also a homophonic piece because it is thick and there are melodies being sung at the same time. The tempo is also slow in this song. The meter is in 4. The dynamics of the song gradually change.
I was actually impressed with my performance. There were moments where I sounded like an opera singer. But I didn't keep a steady melody in my singing. Also, the parts where I enter I could have made a little smoother to keep the rhythm going. Overall, I did pretty good for my first time but there is always room for improvement.
The difference between "SICUT CERVUS" and "BIEBL'S MARIA" is the texture of "SICUT CERVUS" is polyphonic because there are many sounds and melody's, but also lot of different things happening at once. Then I thought the meter was five and the tempo was fast.But for "BIEBL'S AVE MARIA" the texture was homophonic because everything was generally changing but had the same harmony.And the meter was around six,but their dynamics were more gradual and heard.
In the Sicut Cervus the singers used a polyphonic texture. The song was in like a moderate pace. The meter was in four four. The dynamics was gradually getting louder and softer.
In biebl's Ave Maria has a texture using homophonic patterns. This is another moderately tempoed song. The meter is in 4 as well as the first video. The dynamics in this piece is gradually getting louder toward the end. myles alston
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