Hello Music Appreciators!
This blog will be used to communicate, to listen to musical examples, and to work on special homework assignments and projects over the course of the semester.
To the right are two music videos about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We have listened to both of these in class, and have discussed some of the meaning behind the songs. (See comment instructions below to submit your answer) Based on what you know of the messages, and what you know of the music, answer the following two questions. For each question, you should write an answer that is a paragraph in length (3 to 5 sentences).
- What is the meaning behind these songs?
- What do these songs have in common?
If you are unable to view the videos to the right, you may click on the hyperlinks below:
"Happy Birthday" by Stevie Wonder - http://youtu.be/Qwscb3QIVSg
"Pride (In the Name of Love" by U2 - http://youtu.be/yg1HqdcY-lQ
These will be graded as follows:
20 pts. You commented correctly, with your name listed.
20 pts. You answered the meaning question.
20 pts. You answered the comparison question.
20 pts. You wrote 3 to 5 sentences for each question.
20 pts. You used excellent grammar and spelling, and did not use abbreviations, slang, or "texting language"
Extra Credit (5 points) - Name an appropriate song that could be used to teach a concept in class. Be sure that the content and lyrics are appropriate to receive credit. Also, find an appropriate video on YouTube that could be used, and include the URL address.
To comment, just click on the link below that says "comments." Then make sure you sign your name by clicking "Name/URL" so that I know it is you leaving the comment. This assignment is due by Monday, August 29. If you have trouble posting, please e-mail your response to me at wardb@psmnow.com.
Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to think of MLK on August 28, the day that he led the March on Washington and delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.
- Mr. Ward
The meaning of Stevie Wonder's "Happy Birthday" is to convince others that Martin Luther King's birthday should become a national holiday because of all the things that he did trying to have equality throughout America. "In the Name of Love" by U2 is talking about some of the difficulties and challenges that Martin Luther King went through trying to obtain equal rights for everyone.
Even though it may seem that the only thing that these two songs have in common is that they're about MLK, but there is more to these songs. For one thing, both of these songs tell about Martin Luther King's trials an tribulations trying to have equality. They also are motivational because they make people think about the things that MLK has done for America, and have them realize how important he was.
The meaning behind these songs is that fighting for what’s right and what you believe in isn’t an easy task. Both songs talk about everything Martin Luther King Jr. went through to get equality for those treated unfairly in America. Therefore, we should not forget who those did such as Martin Luther King Jr.
Something these songs have in common is that they both influence others to have pride in what they believe in. Because Stevie Wonder believe that there should a holiday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., he made a song telling why Mr. King should have his own holiday. If they don’t have pride in what they believe in, they should at least extol the ones who did.
The meaning of Happy Birthday is that we should celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. The meaning of In the name of love is that one man did so much for the world. These two songs have something in common and that is that they both show there admiration of Martin and how we should praise him for what he did for us.
What I think the meaning is behind these's songs is there proud of one man that stand up for his nation. A man that had a dream that came true. These's two songs represent the things that he went through and the memory of what he did.you can be proud of that one man that made a diffrence in life. that was a great man indeed he became a hero.
this songs have in common the same reason they was made. What they have in common is that there talking about a man that did something no one else would have done. Both of these songs are celebrating him. They show they care and will never forget him. They made these songs so that his spirit would live on with people. These songs show that he care about all blacks that he wanted to make a diffrence. Martin Luther King Jr. will never be forgotten. No one will forget his words "i have a dream" those are words that will live on forever.
The meaning behind these songs are about Martin Luther King Jr. . Both these songs tell a message about how good of a man martin Luther King was, They describe him as being a good person for the march he led, and for the speech he gave, and both the songs also shows how much integrity he had. What these songs have in common are the lyrics, because in both of the songs all the lyrics give details about Martin Luther King, and the type of man he was.
The meaning behind these songs are about Martin Luther King Jr. . Both these songs tell a message about how good of a man martin Luther King was, They describe him as being a good person for the march he led, and for the speech he gave, and both the songs also shows how much integrity he had. What these songs have in common are the lyrics, because in both of the songs all the lyrics give details about Martin Luther King, and the type of man he was.
Jeremiah stewart
music appriciation
8-27-11 per.3rd
1). The meaning bhind both of these wonderful songs are that they both create a picture in your mind,about what kind of man Martin luther King was.It also shows what his goals were for us as a people to come togather and celebrate life.
2). Both of these songs are about Martin Luther King and about how he push to be the man that everyone sees him as today in our world.
Extra Credit: An appropriate song that can used to teach in class is "I Have A Dream" by Common.
Exta Credit:An appropriate song that can be used in class to teach is "I Have A Dream" By Common. This can be found at Youtube.com
I personaly think the meaning behind the songs is to show the true appreciation for Mr.King. The songs both tell a story about what he has done for everyone. Stevie Wonder's song showed his care and love for Mr.King. Also "Pride" showed the the caring part they have for him.
These songs both talk about Mr.King. These songs both speak in there own way about what they think about Mr.King. Also they are both wonderful songs about a wonderful peson.
I personaly think the meaning behind the songs is to show the true appreciation for Mr.King. The songs both tell a story about what he has done for everyone. Stevie Wonder's song showed his care and love for Mr.King. Also "Pride" showed the the caring part they have for him.
These songs both talk about Mr.King. These songs both speak in there own way about what they think about Mr.King. Also they are both wonderful songs about a wonderful peson.
The meaning behind "Happy Birthday" is to honor Dr.Martin Luther king's birthday.The meaning behind "In The Name Of Love" is to appreciate Dr.Martin Luther King and recognize what he did.These two songs tell us about Dr.Martin Luther king and why we should celebrate him for what he did.
Both of these songs talk about Dr.Martin Luther king.Both of these songs have meanings to them that lead up to Martin Luther king.Also these songs both celebrate the contributions he made to advance civil rights.
Extra credit: Michael Jackson "Heal the world" http://youtu.be/BWf-eARnf6U
- The meaning behind these two songs is to show the artists' love for MLK. They also both speak of how it was a tragedy that MLK's life was taken. Ultimately, I believe both songs were trying to raise awareness of how MLK was. Also,to show that he affected so many people with his words.
- The common thing between both songs is that it speaks about how MLK's death was very tragic and how he should be remembered. I believe both songs were centered around the great and courageous acts of MLK as well. Also, they displayed how he affected each artist.
Extra Credit: "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson could teach a concept in class.(URL attached)
The song,"Happy Birthday," means that the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. should be celebrated. A man who died for the peace of lives today, should have a day of recognition. The song,"Pride (In the Name of Love)," means that Dr. King struggled for the peace of mankind.
The two songs are connected because they both mention love, peace, and the way that Martin Luther King died. The two songs both mention Dr. King's want for peace and love throughout the world. Also, Stevie Wonder's song mentions that he "died for good." The U2 song says, "they took your life.They could not take your pride."
This blog is very nice. I like the way it points out the life of MLK . This is a great blog
The meaning of these songs were to show a sign of contribute to someone or something. These songs both contain intos, verses, chorus' and an outro.
Krystiana Lewis
I think that Happy Birthday by Stevie Wonder is basically Stevie trying to convince people to make Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a holiday. He's saying "How could you not give a man so great, a simple celebration?" in my eyes. I feel that Stevie Wonder is deciding that even if they won't give him a holiday, he'll make his day some kind of way special.
I feel that U2 was singing about what happened. The lyrics said "Early morning, April 4. Shots ring out in the Memphis sky. Free at last, they took your life. They could not take your pride." I believe their song is saying something along the line of "He died in the name of love. He died for good, and he should have good given back."
Both of the songs are about MLK, they both are saying that he died for the good of this world, and both explain in their own way that he was done wrong and should be served some type of justice.
The meaning behind the songs are to commerate the life and legacy of Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. They are saying that we should have a day that emphasizes what king did for everyone not just the African American race. These two songs are common because they both have the same meaning behind them the memoir of king.
The meaning of 'Happy Birthday' by Stevie Wonder is about how Martin Luther King abd how he stood up for African American's rights.Their also celebrating how Martin Luther King is finally getting celebrated for what he did.I think Stevie Wonder also wrote the song to show how much we appreciate and love Martin Luther king Jr.
I think the Happy Birthday song by Stevie Wonder is him shinng some light on a great man that stood up for our society. Also he is giving him the aknowledgement he diserve's he died for our people.Martin Luther King stood up for us and took it upon hiself to try and make the world equal.By Stevie Wonder making the Happy Birthday song. He is saying he needs more attention ns couragement nd respect after all he has done.The meaning behind U2 is they are both showing aknowlegdement to some very important.The thing these's two songs have in common is they both have a warm feeling to it. Also they are comtributing the song to a very special that did something good for our world and our people
I think that the meaning behind Stevie Wonders Happy Birthday song was to convince people that Martin Luther King should have a holiday
I think the meaning of U2 is about what actually hapen the day that he died because they was talking about the gunshots.
These songs are common because there both talking about how Martin Luther King died.
IN the song "Happy Birthday" it talks about what Martin Luther KIng did, so why not celerbrate him. Stevie Wonder did that because it helped in giving Mr.King a holiday. The meaning is that you did so much for our people and in what way can we thank you. Stevie found a way by songing happy birthday to him. In the song "In The Name of Love" one man did alot not for wealth,safety,or popularity. They say that one man did all he could in the name love, he did it out of love.These songs have somethings in common, they both sing about Martin Luther King Jr. It tells what he did, why he did it, and how he didin't give up. They talk about how he did so much for us, why not give back.
Stomp contained (syncopation). Which means that the (rhythm) isnt constant. It changes up unexpectedly and the sound is spaced strongly and weak within the (beats) in a (meter). There werent any solo parts in this song except for everyones individual sound.
The Blue Man Group had a constant pattern in a specific amount of time meaning (rhythm). Meaning that the sounds are constant almost pattern like. Its also (ostinato)because it has an equal amount of sound every time.
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